Professional development is an essential part of an information service provider’s career. Therefore, the Palm Beach County Library Association offers scholarships and professional development awards of up to $250 to support current PBCLA members in their ongoing professional pursuits. The award can be applied to any of the following activities:
Memberships: ALA, PLA, SLA, FLA
Conferences: ALA, PLA, SLA, FLA
SEFLIN: Conferences or Membership Meeting
MLS Degree-related Course: FSU, USF
Post-MLS Degree Specialty Certifications
Misc: Library of Congress Professional Visit (Group)
Other: Please specify (dependent on PBCLA approval)
Applications will be accepted, reviewed, and awarded until allocated funds are no longer available, or until June 30 of each fiscal year.
Applicants must allow for sufficient time (2 week minimum) for the Scholarship Professional Development Committee to review your application. Do not make any reservations or registrations until you have heard from the Committee regarding your application.
Applicants can apply/receive awards only once in a 2-year period.
Awards must be applied during the current PBCLA fiscal year ending June 30.
Awards are to fund a single activity or item. Multiple activities cannot be combined under one request.
Award recipients must be PBCLA members at the time of the event they are requesting funds for.
Award recipients agree to share their resulting experience and/or benefit of the award with the Palm Beach County Library Association through a presentation, a web post on the PBCLA website, or in a way mutually agreed upon with the PBCLA Scholarship and Professional Development Awards Committee.
Awards are not open to current PBCLA Board Members.
For more information, please contact